Marriage Lab
Your Gym Membership for Your Marriage
Make your marriage the priority it was meant to be. Listen in to weekly calls and gain 24/7 access to valuable resources, including exclusive videos and content.
Get the tools you need for the marriage you want.
When it comes to long-term relationships (so long-term they’re called eternal), it can be easy to get complacent and fall into unhealthy communication patterns. Sometimes we don’t even recognize the poor habits we develop without a coach to guide us through them. That’s where Marriage Lab can make all the difference.
In Marriage Lab — using a practical and powerful coaching methodology — I’ll break down common marital issues surrounding connection, intimacy, parenting, and more to reveal vulnerable truths at their core. You’ll come away with a new paradigm that will invite more freedom, joy, and connection into your marriage.
Learn more about my process here…

Here's what you get:
Fortify Your Marriage Today
Watch your relationship exponentially improve.
No long-term contracts, cancel anytime.
$89 / mo*
*Plus a one-time $100 sign-up fee.
Marriage Lab is for you if you want to:
Don't wait! I saw positive results from just listening in to Marriage Lab right away. I am more conscious of my thoughts now rather than blindly accepting any idea my brain offers.
Couples Coaching with Natalie Clay
In this podcast, I share practical tools to help you develop emotional self-reliance and improve your marriage. Start implementing these life-changing concepts in your own relationship today.