Hey there, I’m Natalie.
I help couples discover how to thrive together in their marriage.
I’ve coached hundreds of couples who want better, stronger, happier marriages. Some of them deeply love their partners, others haven’t felt much of anything positive toward one another for years. I understand because I’ve gone through ups and downs in my marriage, too.
We were happy in the early years, but I also remember often feeling misunderstood, resentful, and underappreciated. I went to therapy. It didn’t help. Sure, I loved my partner, but I questioned if he really understood me and my deepest needs. I wanted him to make me feel special.
Fast forward and we’ve now been married for 16 years and have 5 wonderful, crazy kids.
I’m so grateful for how my marriage helps me grow and learn.
It took a brilliant coach (my sister Jody Moore) and a lot of practice, but I now know the secret to feeling love and connection in all my relationships, including my marriage. I want to give you the tools to feel the same way in your own life.
I am a Certified Life Coach through the Life Coach School and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I coach a lot of fellow church members and I understand the pressures weighing on marriages that are meant to last for eternity.
I know a happier marriage is waiting for you. Let me help you find it.
Some fun facts about me:
Don't wait! I saw positive results from just listening in to Marriage Lab right away. I am more conscious of my thoughts now rather than blindly accepting any idea my brain offers.
Free Marriage Tips:JoinThrive
Discover how to thrive in your marriage. Drawing from a practical and powerful coaching methodology, I give you the tools to construct a strong, lasting marriage that’s founded on love.